We provide three visualization schemas. Click on any of the thumbnails below to expand a visualization scheme.

Hierarchical Bar Chart Zoomable Circle Packing Zoomable Sunburst

A brief description of the visualizations is given below.

  1. Hierarchical Bar Chart: Each bar represents a taxonomic level. The bar chart starts with the highest taxonomic level, i.e, phylum. The length of the bar is determined by the abundance of that taxa. On has to click on any bar to expand and go to the daughter level of the represented taxa. To go to the parent level click on the white space next to the bars.
    Source: Mike Bostock's Block available at this link.

  2. Zoomable Circle Packing: Each taxa level is represented by a circle. Circle representing parent level taxa contains the circles reprenting its daughter levels in a heirarichal manner. Each circle can be zoomed into by clicking on the same.
    Source: Mike Bostock's Block available at this link.

  3. Zoomable Sunburst: Each taxa level is present as concentric circles with the innermost circle being the highest taxonomy. At a time only two levels are shown. For a taxa with greater abundance, the represented area of that taxa in that concentric circle will be higher. To zoom in on the taxa level (go to daughter levels) on has to click on the represented area. To zoom out (go to parent level) one has to click on the innermost circle.
    Source: Vasco Asturiano's Block available at this link.