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Compositional assessment of biological networks through Venn and Network Diagrams

    A javascript framework for assessing compositional similarities (and differences) across multiple biological networks through Venn integrated Network visualization and set comprehension    

What is NetSets?

NetSets is a (server-independent) JavaScript framework that integrates popular Venn and Network diagrams in a single application.

What are current limitations or challenges?

1. Network diagrams are inherently associated with a 'list-based' data type, popularly known as edge-lists. An edge-list and the corresponding network is however composed of two elements, namely, edges and unique nodes. Researchers often use individual lists of edges and nodes to perform list based compositional comparison of biological networks using existing Venn diagram tools.

2. Mutually exclusive workflows are required to be followed for arriving at required lists, coupled with the need for using different tools or graph libraries for visualizing any subset of interest (all, intersecting or shared, and exclusive or unshared edges) in the form of publication worthy network diagram(s), particularly for small networks.

How NetSets addresses the challenges?

We present NetSets.js as an effort towards easing the process of set comprehensions for multiple networks, coupled with intuitive visualizations for the same. Following are the key features of NetSets.js and the web-app:

NetSet.js automates the process of shared and unique set comprehension for both 'edges' and 'nodes' of networks to be compared, using simple edge-list data.

The list comprehension is coupled with automated generation of ‘Edge Venn diagram’ and ‘Node Venn diagram’ for visualizing the intersecting and exclusive components pertaining to provided networks.

This is further augmented by the utility to visualize the network diagram for any set of interest through a simple click event on the corresponding Venn diagram sector(s).

Provisions are made to ensure high quality export options for images, jsons (compatible with Cytoscape) and edge-lists of the sets (compatible with most stand-alone and online tools).

While NetSets.js has been developed to be used as a portable and headless javascript framework by developers of various network biology applications, we present here a fully-functional application hosted online for free usage by the academic community as well.

Browser Compatibility

Browser OS Tested?
Firefox v.71 Linux, Windows, Mac   Yes
Chrome v.79 Linux, Windows, Mac   Yes
Safari v.12 Mac   Yes