Comparison of global graph properties (of the common sub-network in control and case)

Jaccard edge index =

Common sub-network view with highlighted 'driver' nodes

The plot below shows the most common sub-network between the control and case network (Please refer to the 'NetShift' paper to know more about the extraction of this most common subnetwork). Nodes of the common sub-network are arranged on the periphery of the circle ordered by their identified community memberships (in the case network). All nodes belonging to a same community are randomly assigned a similar color. Grayed out nodes represent the ones present in both but directly interacting with the common sub-network in either case or control. Node sizes are proptional to their scaled NESH score and a node is colored red if its betweenness increased from control to case. Hence, nodes which are big and red are particularly important 'drivers'. Clicking on a node highlights its edge connections (Red: if the edge is present only in case, Green: if the edge is present only in control and Blue: if it is present in both)

Summary of node properties

Please note : n(control/case) referes to degree of the node in control/case, Exclusive refers to exclusive in 'case', DelBet refers to the delta betweenness score from control to case and COM refers to the community affiliation of the node in 'case'. Click on a column header to sort the contents of the table by the column values.

Community shuffle plot (Heatmap)

The Community shuffle plot enables one to understand the extent to which the identified comminities in the control and case networks are similar using a heatmap. Similar (or conserved) communities are shown starting with a blue (deep blue indicated most similar comunity pairs) gradient in the heatmap while dissimilar ones are shown as green gradient (deep green indicates most dissimilar pairs). The values in the cells are calculated as the intersecting set count between the sets of node contents of the two compared communities (vertical axis as 'control' and horizontal axis as 'case'). More community splits (from ‘Control’ to ‘Case’) represents increased community shufflings. Hence, plots having less shuffling will show less horizontal splits (in the blocks of the matrix) and individual blocks will have a higher cell values.

Community shuffle plot (Network view)

The network view of the Community shuffle plot enables one to understand the exact changes of the community members (nodes). The plot is displayed as a circle with an axis dividing it vertically into two halves. The left half corresponds to the 'control' and the right half to the 'case' sub-network. Node labels in both half corresponds to their community affiliations in the respective networks (all nodes belonging to a comminity are randomly assigned a color). Nodes sizes in this plot correspond to its coreness in the corresponding network by default which can be changed to degree or betweenness using the available option. The edges connect similar nodes between the two halves (control and case) allowing one to visualize the shuffling. Grayed out node labels corresponds to the ones which do not interact directly with the common sub-network. Mouse-over on a node label to see the community shuffling of the entire community

Highlight nodes based on